语音识别javascript 语音识别技术的英文缩写



Speech Recognition, also known as SR, is a technology that enables a computer to convert spoken language into written text. In JavaScript, the Web Speech API provides support for speech recognition. This API allows developers to integrate speech recognition capabilities into their web applications.

To use speech recognition in JavaScript, you first need to check if the browser supports the Web Speech API. You can do this by checking if the `SpeechRecognition` object is available:

if ('SpeechRecognition' in window) {

// Speech recognition is supported

} else {

// Speech recognition is not supported


Once you have confirmed that speech recognition is supported, you can create an instance of the `SpeechRecognition` object:

const recognition = new SpeechRecognition();

Next, you can define event listeners to handle the different stages of the speech recognition process. For example, you can listen for the `result` event, which is triggered when the speech recognition engine has recognized a speech input:

recognition.addEventListener('result', (event) => {

const transcript = event.results[0][0].transcript;

console.log('Transcript:', transcript);


In the above code, the `event.results` property contains an array of speech recognition results. Each result is an array of alternative transcriptions, and the most likely transcription is accessed using `event.results[0][0].transcript`.

You can also listen for the `end` event to detect when the speech recognition process has finished:

recognition.addEventListener('end', () => {

console.log('Speech recognition ended');


To start the speech recognition process, you call the `start()` method on the `SpeechRecognition` object:


This will prompt the user for permission to access the microphone and begin listening for speech input.

It's important to note that speech recognition in JavaScript relies on the user's browser and device capabilities. Some browsers may have limited support for speech recognition, and the accuracy of the recognition can vary depending on the ambient noise and the clarity of the user's speech.

In addition to speech recognition, the Web Speech API also provides support for speech synthesis, allowing developers to generate speech from text. This can be useful for creating voice-controlled applications or providing audio feedback to users.

In conclusion, Speech Recognition (SR) in JavaScript is made possible by the Web Speech API, which allows developers to integrate speech recognition capabilities into web applications. By using the `SpeechRecognition` object and defining event listeners, developers can capture and process speech inputs from users.

