


IIS (Internet Information Services) is a web server software developed by Microsoft. It is commonly used to host websites and web applications on Windows-based servers. If you are a web developer working with PHP, you can configure IIS to work with PHP so that you can run PHP scripts on your server.

To use PHP with IIS, you need to follow these steps:

1. Install PHP: First, you need to download and install PHP on your server. You can download the PHP installer from the official PHP website (https://www.php.net/downloads.php). Make sure to choose the Windows version that matches your server's architecture (32-bit or 64-bit). During the installation process, you will be prompted to choose the web server you want to configure PHP for, select IIS.

2. Configure IIS: After installing PHP, you need to configure IIS to recognize PHP files and pass them to the PHP engine for processing. Open the IIS Manager and navigate to the "Handler Mappings" feature. Click on "Add Module Mapping" and provide the following details:

- Request path: *.php

- Module: FastCgiModule

- Executable: C:\php\php-cgi.exe (path to your PHP executable)

- Name: PHP_via_FastCGI (or any name you prefer)

This configuration tells IIS to pass any requests for PHP files to the PHP FastCGI module for processing.

3. Test PHP: To test if PHP is working correctly with IIS, create a simple PHP file and place it in your website's root directory (usually the "wwwroot" folder). Open a text editor and create a file called "test.php" with the following code:




Save the file and access it in your web browser by visiting "http://localhost/test.php" (replace "localhost" with your server's hostname if necessary). If PHP is configured correctly, you should see the PHP information page displaying various details about your PHP installation.

4. Additional Configuration: Depending on your specific requirements, you may need to make additional configurations in the PHP.ini file. The PHP.ini file contains various settings that control the behavior of PHP. You can find the PHP.ini file in the PHP installation directory. Open it in a text editor and modify the settings as needed. For example, you can enable or disable certain extensions, adjust memory limits, or set the timezone.

In addition to basic PHP configuration, IIS also provides features like URL rewriting, caching, and compression, which can enhance the performance and security of your PHP applications. These features can be configured through the IIS Manager or by modifying the web.config file.

By following these steps, you can effectively use PHP with IIS to develop and host dynamic websites and web applications. Remember to regularly update both PHP and IIS to ensure you have the latest security patches and performance improvements.

