



Selenium RC (Remote Control) is a tool that allows you to automate web browsers for testing purposes. It provides a programming interface to interact with web browsers and perform actions like clicking buttons, filling forms, and extracting data. Selenium RC supports multiple programming languages, including Python.

To use Selenium RC with Python, you need to install the Selenium package using pip. Once installed, you can create an instance of the Selenium RC server and configure it to interact with a specific web browser.

Here is an example of how to use Selenium RC with Python:

from selenium import selenium

# Create an instance of the Selenium RC server

selenium_server = selenium("localhost", 4444, "*firefox", "")

# Start the server


# Open the desired URL"/")

# Perform some actions on the web page"id=button")

selenium_server.type("id=input", "Hello, World!")

# Extract data from the web page

text = selenium_server.get_text("id=result")


# Stop the server


In this example, we first import the `selenium` module from the Selenium package. Then, we create an instance of the Selenium RC server by providing the host, port, browser, and URL parameters. The host is set to "localhost", the port is set to 4444, the browser is set to "*firefox" (indicating Firefox), and the URL is set to "".

Next, we start the Selenium RC server using the `start()` method. This will launch the specified web browser and open the URL.

We then perform some actions on the web page using methods like `click()` and `type()`. These methods take locators as parameters to identify the elements on the web page. In this example, we use the "id" locator to locate the button and input elements.

After performing the actions, we use the `get_text()` method to extract the text from an element on the web page with the specified locator. In this case, we use the "id" locator to locate the result element.

Finally, we stop the Selenium RC server using the `stop()` method to close the web browser and release resources.

This is a basic example of how to use Selenium RC with Python. You can further explore the Selenium documentation and API to learn more about its capabilities and available methods.

