


AmazeUI is a front-end development framework based on CSS3 and JavaScript. It provides a set of responsive and mobile-first components and layouts, which can be easily integrated into web pages. Vue, on the other hand, is a progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. It focuses on the view layer and provides a flexible and efficient way to handle data binding and component-based development.

To use AmazeUI with Vue, we can start by including the necessary CSS and JavaScript files of AmazeUI in our HTML file. We can either download the files and host them locally or include them from a CDN. Here is an example of including AmazeUI files from a CDN:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<link rel="stylesheet" href="">



<!-- Your HTML content goes here -->

<script src=""></script>



Once we have included the AmazeUI files, we can start using its components and layouts in our Vue components. For example, we can create a Vue component that uses the AmazeUI grid system to create a responsive layout:



<div class="58f0-b0fc-0c68-f17c am-container">

<div class="c9d9-5698-efd7-c812 am-g">

<div class="5698-efd7-c812-67f5 am-u-sm-6">

<!-- Content for the left column -->


<div class="efd7-c812-67f5-f91d am-u-sm-6">

<!-- Content for the right column -->







export default {

name: 'MyComponent',

// Other Vue component options go here




/* Custom styles for the component */


In the above example, we use the `am-container` class to create a container for the grid system. Inside the container, we use the `am-g` class to create a row, and then use the `am-u-sm-6` class to create two columns with equal width. We can add content inside the columns as needed.

Apart from the grid system, AmazeUI provides many other components such as buttons, forms, navigation bars, etc. We can use these components in a similar way by adding their respective CSS classes to our HTML elements.

In addition to using AmazeUI components directly in Vue components, we can also create custom Vue components that encapsulate AmazeUI components. This allows us to reuse the components and keep our code organized. Here is an example of creating a custom Vue component that uses an AmazeUI button:


<button class="67f5-f91d-66bd-4508 am-btn am-btn-primary">{{ buttonText }}</button>



export default {

name: 'MyButton',

props: {

buttonText: {

type: String,

default: 'Click me',



// Other Vue component options go here




/* Custom styles for the component */


In the above example, we create a custom Vue component called `MyButton` that accepts a prop called `buttonText`. The component renders an AmazeUI button with the text specified by the prop.

Overall, integrating AmazeUI with Vue is a straightforward process. We include the AmazeUI files in our HTML, use AmazeUI classes in our Vue components to create responsive layouts and use AmazeUI components, and can also create custom Vue components that encapsulate AmazeUI components for reusability. This combination of AmazeUI and Vue provides a powerful and efficient way to develop modern and responsive web applications.

